Even though Switzerland is a very small nation inside Europe, its manufacturing of fine products are internationally known and recognized as high quality products. From luxurious watches to healthcare products and beyond, Swiss people strive on producing high quality products.
Which is the best Swiss product? That is a very hard question to answer, but Switzerland is famous throughout the world for chemicals, pharmaceuticals, chocolate, cheese, watches, precision machinery and a wide variety of other products. The Swiss pharmaceutical & chemical manufacturing industry, located mostly in Basel includes big name multinational companies like Novartis, Hoffman-LaRoche, Syngenta, Ciba Geigy, Sandoz, and many others. The Swiss watch industry is generally located in the French speaking parts of Switzerland, with the exception of a few watchmakers and jewelers.
Besides the aforementioned national products, Switzerland is also know for their banks, mountains, ski resorts, other alpine treasures of this land locked European nation.